Monday, April 11, 2011

Immigration Rights | Citizenship Day Is A Worthy Event

To address the value of Citizenship Day, here is a letter to anyone with state budget-making authority:

I am a lawyer who has volunteered for Citizenship Day events in Pasco, Tacoma, Aberdeen, and Vancouver, Washington. These day-long events naturalize low-income immigrants.

Many voices support these events because they encourage lawful permanent residents to become US citizens, which is essentially encouraging responsible citizenship.

For the purposes of this response, I voice my support for those who work on behalf of the immigrants. Citizenship Day is not just about rewarding green card holders, but it also rewards the attorneys, paralegals, students, community groups, and New Americans and OneAmerica participants.

Volunteers benefit from effective training workshops for attorney, paralegal, and intake participants. Veteran attorneys mentor the newer attorneys and paralegals, which help newer volunteers grow into more responsible and knowledgeable resources.

The idea in America is that the more educated you are, the easier it is. Yet, because of a slumping economy, many lawyers and other individuals in the legal world are currently struggling to make a living. I am a chair for the state American Immigration Lawyers Association and I meet numerous talented, driven, and compassionate new attorneys who are reaching out to populations like immigrants that are in great need, and are very thirsty to secure jobs and experience.

Citizenship Day events benefit the professionals and workers who assist immigrants, not just the immigrants themselves. The events attract a diverse scope of generous people who donate their valuable time because they care about the future of the United States. Please keep this program alive and do not cut New Americans or OneAmerica's budget.

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